Let's put it into words.


You know, i am that kind of person that whenever she gets to much attention she takes kinda a step back. It's not because she doesn't like you or she doesn't want to be with you, not at all! She loves you, she really does. It's just that she was never that person that has got attention from everybody, totally the opposite she was that kid that got bullied because she had not the "perfect skin, "perfect nose" or "perfect body". People told her she'd never have some or that she'd never be someone in life and let me tell you something, it hurts! Even if it was a "long" time ago the scarves are still there. 

She is that person that needs attention but not really. You know? Probably not but that's ok, not everybody understands it.
Because of everything that she has been through she thinks she does not deserve to be loved and she prefers to help other people being happy, In fact she loves making other people happy. And the things that make her the most happy, are listening to music, writing, photography, drawing.. Things/ moments call it what ever you want, it's the time where she's all by herself, she does whatever she wants and nobody has anything to say, she is what ever she wants to be. Those are the moments where she feels alive!   
Yes, she is one of those girls that may have a lot to give, a lot of potential inside them but they're not showing it because they're afraid of being judged again.

Boas malta, então para esta semana decidi publicar um texto mais pessoal, estava um puco reticente mas, quem sabe alguém se identifique com as minhas palavras. Espero que tenham gostado. Beijos e abraços e até a proxima.  xx Rute

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